Preparing for new feature release with v1.1-rc1 | Please test!

Hi all, I'm glad to announce a new release candidate v1.1-rc1. 55 commits went into it, during a little more than four months. The most pro- minent changes are: * The `serprog' protocol now supports multiple CS lines. Which can be selected from the command line if the programmer supports it. * `serprog' driver now synchronizes more reliably after an aborted run and without the initial 1s delay. * We got rid of spurious attempts to memory map SPI flash chips by default. This was mostly visible with the `internal' programmer on AMD machines and `serprog' combined with big flash chips that just couldn't be mapped. * The CLI has a new `--progress' switch, finally(!) which makes it show progress bars for read/erase/write. Some programmer drivers were adapted to allow finer progress reporting. * The Dediprog SF600Plus-G2 (tested) and SF700 (untested) program- mers are supported now. And there were more, smaller changes and refactorings all over the place. As usual, the code is available through the tag `v1.1-rc1', and as tarball[1]. Please grab it! test it! Cheers, Nico [1]
participants (1)
Nico Huber